Minding the Myriad : An Interview with Artist Sima Schloss

—With Stephanie—June 2020––

Sima’s artist statement. Learn more on her website by clicking the image.

Sima’s artist statement. Learn more on her website by clicking the image.

Stephanie: Do you engage with any rituals or sacred practices before creating?

Sima: Yes, two things I do — I burn incense, preferably sage or Nag Champa. I find it clears my head and the space. The other thing I do is create in my journal for at least 20 minutes before I start working. It helps me to focus and get ideas out and gives me time to just play. Sometimes I say to myself “ Just draw it out, get it all out of you.”

Stephanie: What mediums do you prefer to work in? Why?

Sima: That’s tough, I don’t really have a favorite. My first love is drawing so I always start with pens and markers, then I go to paint and collage. I love experimenting with all different mediums though. My credit card and I get into lots of trouble when I go to any art supply store, I am always trying new mediums.

Sima Schloss

Stephanie: Your work unravels the complexity of the human form by displaying multiple unearthings of a single figure. I’d love to know more about your motivation.

Sima: I have always loved drawing people since I was little. For me its so much fun to study and find all the different shapes and curves- I get lost in it.

Stephanie: Do you feel any sacred connection to the divine feminine in your artistic practice or in general life? Where do you ground yourself as an artist?

Sima: To me the divine feminine is being empowered and connected — I feel that most when I am creating. Its a sense of strength and empowerment that takes over. My home and studio are my sacred caves. I love running and I find it helps me process all of my ideas.

Stephanie: I feel so captivated by your process with contour drawing. I’d love to highlight this line from your artist statement: “The tearing and putting together the ripped pieces in similar to how human beings process emotions.” Could you speak more to this?

Sima: Sure! When I encounter a situation or a problem, I replay it over and over in my head, like an old school cassette player, until I can tape the situation back together to make sense of it. I get such satisfaction from this process and it helps me make sense of myself and the world around me.

Sima Schloss

The One Who Walks Among Us, find this piece here.

Stephanie: Anything else you’d like our readers to know?

Sima: It’s funny — Most people don’t realize this, but being an artist is also being a business person. A lot of my studio practice is paperwork, networking, and applications. I rarely get time to just create to create! Now with the pandemic many of my shows and residencies have been postponed or cancelled, which has been disappointing, however Its given me a chance to just create and have fun! Its been so great to just experiment and play! I’m grateful for this time.

Stephanie: Are any elements of spring influencing your creative practice right now?

Sima: I love tulips! The gorgeous colors of all the flowers and trees are so invigorating. I’m using more color than I have in years!

To learn more about Sima or to purchase her work, please visit her website which features her comprehensive, extended portfolio. WBC is proud to support womxn artists creating through the divine feminine essence which centers the world. Interested in learning more? Send us an inquiry at wisdombodycollective@gmail.com ❤

Amy G Bobeda

Dabbler. Californian. Cosmetologist. Dreamer. Adventurer. Writer.



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